Fri 03 Jan
M.I.L.F(¯`'•.¸ ★ ¸.•'´¯) in Jax Now❤ ❤ ❤Petite Nice Body❤ ❤ ❤ -My stuff is Hott and Ready - 32
(Eastern NC, In Jacksonville(All New)Hott M.I.L.F)
Looking For Someone 2 Have A Little Fun With And Make A Few Bucks Too??? - 35
(Durham/Raleigh, Eastern NC, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Hickory / Lenoir, Raleigh / Durham)
Blue eyed BLONDE 💕💕☆ W€LCOM€ 2 PARADI§€ ♥ P€RFECT #1 CHOIC€ ♥ SiMPLY IRR£SI§TIßE!!!! 💕💕 - 22
(Bellevue, Bellevue Incall outcall everywhere)
NEW $75 hh special Sexy Submissive thick woman ready to play if you are! text or call 859-492-0937 - 25
NEW Asian hottie, Holly will rock your night away! (OUTCALLS) - 22
(East Bay, Emeryville/ San Leoandro/ Hayward outcal)
▬ ♛▬▬ ★♛★★♛★▬ ♛▬▬ ★♛★★♛★▬▬**YOUNG ((BLONDE)) HOTTIE**▬▬▬★♛★▬ SPECIAL$$ ♛▬▬ ★♛★▬ ♛▬▬ ★♛★ - 21
(Las Vegas, NorthWest, SouthWest)
Avoid the big city cost. Come see someone real without spending your life savings - 34
(Reno, Wells, NV)
❥❥❥➤ NEW NEW NEW ❥❥❥➤ FUNSIZE LATINA ❥❥❥➤ ((Si Hablo Espanol)) - 23
(Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz and Surrounding Areas)
!!!CAUTION -:¦:- YOUR NEW -:¦:- ; ADDICTION! __ U __WONT -:¦:- FORGET ME!!!!! - 22
(Santa Cruz)
☎️😋☎️😋☎️😋☎️😋 ☎️😋☎️😋☎️😋☎️😋 ☎️😋☎️😋☎️ YOUNG SEXY 😋 34C ASIAN MIMI 😋 CUTE FACE 😋 SEXY BODY - 21
(Las Vegas, The Strip, 😋😋😋😋 Near Palms Hotel or Come to You)
▬▬▬▬▬ ★ You are unencumbered, unemployed or an escort and just want to be a man's lil girl ★ ▬▬▬▬▬ - 50
(Las Vegas, Southern AZ)
&&& Outcalls Only ***** 408-907-7677 ***** Sexy Korean Nelly &&&~~@ - 22
(Santa Cruz, Outcalls Only)
Hey baby, Call a real Girl, dont call a Service... - 23
(Any where you are !!!, Las Vegas, The Strip)
(EROTIC MASSAGES)Give Brigett A Call And Get Your Erotic Massage Today.......42D titties,,,All Yours - 37
(NORTH WEST DETROIT.....IN CALL ONLY...313-794-1446)
UP ALL NIGHT * (( $60 / $100 / $160 )) Blonde Beauty * UP ALL NIGHT!!!! - 20
(San Jose / South Bay, Milpitas, S. Main Street)
~ YUMMY BLONDE w/ the most DELICIOUS APPLE BOTTOM BOOTY!! * Fetishes * - 29
(Las Vegas Blvd & Wigwam)
█☆█ THICK HAWAIIAN & LATINA MIX !! █☆█ ♛ FIT FOR A KING ♛ █☆█ 80Special█☆█ - 20
(San Jose / South Bay, San jose)
ThE vEry BeSt Naughty Hottie.... Last Day in SunnyVale.... SpEcIaLs - 21
(Sunnyvale InCalls..Last Day)
•:*:•:* Real Pic 100%~Sexy Mimi/ Sasa ~100 Special~Sexy Sweet Girl~GOOD SERVICES ! •:*:•:*:•* - 26
(San Jose / South Bay, N San Jose/Santa Clara/Near Downtown)
W :A :R :N :I :N :G!!! :☠: EXTREMELY :☠: A *D *D *I *C *T *I *V *E((100%Me! New Pics!)) - 20
(Las Vegas In/Out)
ONLY HErE fOR THe WEEKEND!! ♥☆◆N£w Y●UNg BL○nD£ B●mBSh£lL◇★♡ - 21
(Milpitas/San Jose, San Jose / South Bay)
VOLUPTUOUS & SeXxY MILF ( = ) Purrfect RELiEF -4- STiFF & TENSE Muscles
(Incall -:- Designated ESCAPE Route!)
OUTCALLS all night !! EAST INDIAN hot caramel dessert!! 100% REAL PIC outcalls NOW - 21
(San Jose / South Bay, Downtown san jose/milpitas/santa clara)
♛ U.P.S.C.A.L.E ♛ C.L.A.S.S.Y ♛ BUSTY ♛ LATINA ♛ ToYs RoLe PlAyIn InCaLL My PlAcE - - 25
(Las Vegas, inCALL Center Strip)
Sweet And Sassy SeXXXy and Nasty Independent Big Boobs Real Pics
💋❤️☎ Hard BoDy // SuPeR FReaK // FuN GiRL // RoLe PLaY 💋❤️☎ - 23
(City of San Jose, In- San jose // Out- Your Doorstep, San Jose / South Bay)
Fetish friendly Friday freaky Female far From forgettable !!karmen s. .(3.6.0) 6..7..0 - 1..2..3..1 - 24
(San Jose / South Bay, N Mathilda sunnyville incall or out)
(San Jose / South Bay, Sunnyvale/ Mountain View/ Milpitas)
sexy ebony new girl hotttt 👄👅👄👅💜👋specials call2536809963 65.00 half hour 125 hour💋💋💋💋👄👄👄👄 - 23
(Las Vegas, las vegas incall)
Latina Las Vegas Escort Alize, 702-478-1501 Jalapeno Hot complete service Vegas escort
(las vegas escorts)
~ ☆ ~ SEXY, Lively, SWEET, & Fun! EXPIERIENCE true SATISFACTION! Well REVIEWED~ ☆ ~ - 26
(Vegas..It's ME or its FREE!!)
~* SExy ~* ~* BRUnEttE ~* ALL NAtuRaL ~*~ PEtIte ~*& SWeeT!!!!**NiCe Tan!! - 24
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas, OUTCALL)
P.Y.T SPINNER's are the best. Your special little treat this 4Th of July Weekend💙❤️💙❤️ - 21
(I am mobile- YOU MUST HOST, Las Vegas, SouthWest)
👯💋✭💛✭.•* ´RELAX 💛 ✭💛✭•*I'M OPEN MINDED¨✭💛✭.•*´👯💋✭💛✭.•*´ PLAYFUL BUSTY BLONDE ✭💛✭.•*´ chase - 21
(Las Vegas, South, strip)
Oh YeS It_!!_ FeeLs* __!!__ *So * __!!__* GooD *__!!__ * BeinG* __!!__* ThiS* __!!__ *BaDD! - 20
(Hillsborough Co)
Ready 4 a change? Try a Shemale erotic massage(Checkout Instagram link for rates b4 calling) - 28
(San Fernando Valley, Sherman oaks/off the 405)
MaTURE provider shyanne here to show you what you need - 40
(Hillsborough Co, Tampa, valrico/brandon)
((Visiting)) Sexy petiete flexible doll Ready to cater to you ((iNTOWN FOR A LIMITED TIME)) - 22
(San Fernando Valley, canoga park ((incalls)))
~ Sexy busty blonde cougar "NEW" come put your bananna in my split 100 rose special~ - 38
(stevensons ranch/ valencia/lyons exit)
_____ SeXxXy _____ CoUsInS _____ 2 _____ GiRlS _____ cOmE _____ pLaY _____ nOw ____ WeRe __ WaItInG - 21
HOT Blonde With HUGE Tits, Loong Legs,& A PHAT Azz! How Can You Go Wrong? - 30
(Hillsborough Co, TPA airport/stadium-my house or yr hotel)
Hot Blonde MILF - HUGE Tits - REAL PICS - 100 Smiles - DOUBLE Your Money Back Guarantee!!!
(Tampa, off Dale Mabry)
%%%% C..U..M.. One, C..U..M... All to The Greatest Show ON Earth, GONNA LUV IT !!!!!!!!! - 18
(Hillsborough Co, (( ON YOU !!!!! )))
Annie's amazing Friday 5pm till late in the night. Incall & Outcall 1 week till I go on vacation - 40
(Indian rock beach largo)
~ Your favorite fantasy~ *SEXY Seductive mixxed sensation* Weekend Specials!!! - 23
(Tacoma, LAKEWOOD *Discreet incall*)
~!~ SUPER FIRM SUPER YOUNG ~!~ Petite Puerto Rican g.f.e. Vixxen ~!~ CATCH ME IF U CAN ~!~ - 22
tasty -eye -candy -simply -the -best -exotic -cutie -great -specials -highly -recomened - 25
(Tacoma, ur place or mine)
Best Pay and Splits in The Country For Beautiful Models and Companions. Reputable and Busy Agency
(Work Locally or Tour)
$100special •Unforgetable Talents• Always Friendly & Dressed Sexy • CLEAN & DISCREET!! up late - 21
(Colorado Springs, CoSprings near you.)
______________ ... _____________ SexY LatinA!! _____________ ____ New Pics!! ____________ - 23
(South SD County, Imperial Beach InCall)
Passionate, Sexy, Submissive and Ready for You Tonight! ***100 Special$$$ - 21
(City of San Diego, national chula vista la mesa point loma)
One CliCk away... In/Outcall BeAuty°°°° REadY2 !!!! PlAy°°° hOt all NaTurAL .. In/ OuTcAlL . - 28
█♛ MoRNiNg TREAT 4 you 2 MeeT! *Exotic Eye Candy~INCALL SPECIALS All Day!!*ೋ - 22
******* ...mixed ASian cuTie.... ****** im READY FOR U!! CALL ME NOW. - 22
(City of San Diego, NATIONAL CITY CALL ME CALL ME 6192590502)